Thursday, 10 June 2021

Why is my Gmail app not working on my iPhone/iPad?

Are you experiencing issues with the functioning of your Gmail on your iPhone? Are you unable to use your Gmail on your iPhone? This indeed calls for resolutions to handle the encountered issue. The issue might occur due to several reasons but undoubtedly requires attention. But to address the problem, you need to apply a few general fixes to it. 


To resolve the issue, follow the below-mentioned steps.


How to fix the Gmail app not working on iPhone?


Fix 1: Gmail the backend server is down


If the server is down from the backend, you need to wait until the backend gets resolved. You can also check the recent news concerning it, and then after the issue is resolved, try signing in to your Gmail account again. Check if the problem has been resolved.  


Fix 2: Connectivity Issues


If the issue is with the internet connectivity, you need to connect with the internet service provider. An active internet is an essential element for the appropriate working of email services. 


Fix 3: Erroneous Email settings     


Incorrect email settings may also halt the user from having access to the email services. So to resolve the issue, you need to check on the email settings. If the problem is with the incorrect email settings, you need to add the email settings manually. So, cross-check if the settings are correct.


Fix 4: Incorrect Fetch Settings


If the issue is due to the incorrect fetch settings, perform the following


1.    Open the Settings App

2.    Click on Passwords

3.    Click on Fetch new data line

4.    Locate your Gmail account

5.    Verify the setting

6.    If the setting is set to Push, then the email server will send new emails directly to your iPhone

7.    If the setting is set to Fetch then, iPhone will periodically ask the server for new mails

8.    If the setting is set to 30 mins, you may receive new emails after 30 mins

9.    Also, you can manually adjust the settings when you receive new mails only when you refresh it

10.  Choose the setting as per your requirement.


Fix 5: Outdated application            


If the issue is due to an outdated application, make sure you update the application and use a revised application to experience the uninterrupted services. Outdated application is undoubtedly the cause of occurrence on several issues.


How to fix Gmail not syncing with the iPhone mail app?


·         Restart your iPhone: Restarting the phone ends lots of ongoing processes that might be interrupting the proper functioning of Gmail on your device.


·         Check Push Settings: Inaccurate push settings are also one vital point that requires to be checked. Follow the below steps to ensure appropriate push settings:


1.    Go to the Settings.

2.    Locate Passwords & Accounts in the menu.

3.    Select Fetch New Data.

4.    Select Gmail 

5.    Click on Fetch

6.    Once done, open the App and refresh the page. 


·         Log in as a “Test” User: In case the above solution doesn’t work for you, try logging in as a test user by below steps:


1.    Go to the System Preferences.

2.    Locate “User and Groups” in System Preferences

3.    Create a new test user.

4.    Logout from your system, and then login again, but this time login with the test user you have just created.

5.    Once done, skip all the app installments if prompted and directly sign in to the mail.


·         Please remove the Account and Setup Again: If the problem persists, the easiest trick of dealing with such an issue is to remove the account and then add it again. Performing this will remove all the traces and fix the problems that might block the syncing. 

Source Link:-Why is my Gmail app not working on my iPhone?

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Why is my Gmail app not working on my iPhone/iPad?

Are you experiencing issues with the functioning of your Gmail on your iPhone? Are you unable to use your Gmail on your iPhone? This indeed ...